New NIGHTWISH Singer FLOOR JANSEN Completes Recording Second REVAMP Album

April 2, 2013

Former AFTER FOREVER and current NIGHTWISH touring singer Floor Jansen has completed recording the second album from her REVAMP project at SandLane Studio in Rijen, The Netherlands with Joost van den Broek (ex-AFTER FOREVER). The CD, which will feature guest choir parts by Marcela Bovio (STREAM OF PASSION) and Daniƫl de Jongh (TEXTURES),will be released in September via an as-yet-undisclosed label.

Video footage of REVAMP performing a brand new song, entitled "Sins", in January 2012 at Metropool in Hengelo, The Netherlands can be seen below.

REVAMP's self-titled debut album was released in Europe on May 28, 2010 via Nuclear Blast Records.


Floor Jansen: Songwriter/Singer
Arjan Rijnen: Guitar
Jord Otto: Guitar
Jaap Melman: Bass
Ruben Wijga: Keyboards
Matthias Landes: Drums

Jansen made her live debut as the frontwoman of NIGHTWISH on October 1, 2012 at Showbox Sodo in Seattle, Washington.

Jansen handled lead-vocal duties on NIGHTWISH's recent North American, South American, Australian and U.K. tours after the group parted ways with Anette Olzon at the end of September.

"Sins" (new song) performance footage:

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